Also Known As: 111, 122, 001, 207, 545, 087, 134, 599, 555
Date/Time | Opponent | Match up | Map | Result | Rating ± |
2025/01/03 17:56 | 737 | China Infantry vs China Nuke | wasteland warlords | Won | 20.52 |
2025/01/03 17:47 | 737 | GLA vs China Nuke | wasteland warlords | Lost | -12.57 |
2025/01/03 17:20 | 737 | GLA vs USA Airforce | wasteland warlords | Lost | -13.80 |
2024/12/29 16:30 | 699 | GLA vs China Tank | tournament island | Lost | -10.64 |
2024/12/29 16:22 | 699 | USA Lazr vs USA | tournament island | Lost | -11.61 |
2024/12/29 16:06 | 699 | GLA vs USA Lazr | defcon6 | Lost | -12.71 |
2024/12/29 15:43 | 699 | USA vs GLA Toxin | free fire zone | Lost | -13.96 |
2024/12/29 02:54 | 699 | USA vs GLA Toxin | [rank] canyon of the dead zh v2 | Lost | -15.36 |