Also Known As: spogetti, immeh, spagetti, BRUH, mewwwoo, Jordi_ALABA, is_it_safe, spagettis_br
Date/Time | Opponent | Match up | Map | Result | Rating ± |
2024/11/05 19:41 | Cena | USA Superweapon vs China Infantry | tournament island | Won | 7.88 |
2024/11/05 19:28 | Cena | GLA vs China | sand serpent | Won | 8.47 |
2024/11/05 19:20 | Cena | China Tank vs USA Lazr | tournament desert | Won | 9.14 |
2024/11/05 19:09 | refreef | USA Lazr vs GLA Toxin | [rank] [nmc] battle on the river | Won | 8.56 |
2024/11/05 19:05 | refreef | USA Lazr vs USA Lazr | [rank] [nmc] battle on the river | Won | 9.24 |
2024/11/04 23:22 | Zero_Hour_Ma | USA Airforce vs China Infantry | silent river | Won | 18.57 |
2024/11/04 23:02 | Cena | USA vs China | tournament desert | Won | 16.18 |
2024/10/30 20:56 | -_-_GO_(khAL | USA Superweapon vs GLA | !1v1 cxn 3 oils | Lost | -19.04 |
2024/10/29 21:13 | AS_ | USA Superweapon vs GLA Stealth | !1v1 cxn 3 oils | Won | 13.60 |
2024/10/19 21:52 | Def | GLA Toxin vs USA Airforce | tournament desert | Won | 18.81 |