
Also Known As: adn, grEEn, dOnkey>, Aghiutzu, infoPoint

Date/Time Opponent Match up Map Result Rating ±
2024/12/15 10:50 med USA Lazr vs China killing fields Won 18.38
2024/11/24 06:34 Spyro China Nuke vs USA Airforce !1v1 cxn 3 oils Lost -7.13
2024/10/05 08:50 Efthymios USA Superweapon vs GLA tournament desert Lost -15.58
2024/09/08 16:45 Robert^ USA Lazr vs USA Airforce [rank] snowy drought v4 Lost -10.16
2024/08/25 19:12 Flamefolox USA Airforce vs GLA [rank] snowy drought v4 Lost -10.77
2024/08/25 04:34 NightHawk190 GLA Toxin vs USA [rank] farmlands of the fallen zh v1 Lost -13.54
2024/08/24 11:50 IamCHIK USA Airforce vs GLA [rank] dammed korhal zh v1 Won 19.26
2024/08/24 11:39 IamCHIK GLA vs China Tank [rank] dammed cottages zh v1 Lost -14.00
2024/08/24 06:45 IamCHIK GLA Toxin vs China Infantry [rank] mountain oil zh v1 Lost -13.62
2024/08/24 06:31 IamCHIK GLA vs China Infantry [rank] natural threats zh v3 Lost -14.99